Home => Which classes has Prof Sandee taught?
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- Algebra I - II
- (I = Introductory Algebra) This course introduces and develops basic algebra skills and basic geometry concepts. It covers real numbers, linear and quadratic equations, inequalities, exponents, polynomials, factoring, the Cartesian coordinate system, rational expressions, and applications, lines and angles, polygons, perimeter, area, and volume of geometric figures
- (II = Intermediate Algebra) This course expands upon the topics of Algebra I including rational expressions, radicals and exponents, quadratic equations, systems of equations, and applications. It develops the mathematics proficiency necessary for selected curriculum entrance.
- Applied Calculus
- This course uses techniques of college algebra and elementary calculus to analyze and model real world phenomena. The emphasis will be on applications using an intuitive approach to the mathematics rather than formal development. Topics include graphs, limits, derivatives, and integrals of functions. The course incorporates collaborative learning, oral and written reports, and technology.
- Applied Statistics
- This course surveys descriptive and inferential statistics with emphasis on practical applications of statistical analysis. The principles of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data are covered. In addition, this course examines the role of statistical analysis, statistical terminology, the appropriate use of statistical techniques, and interpretation of statistical findings through the applications and functions of statistical methods.
- Arithmetic
- This course covers arithmetical principles and computations. It is designed to develop the mathematical proficiency necessary for selected curriculum entrance. It is also designed to offer the student a solid foundation in the basic concepts and manipulations of whole number arithmetic, fractions, decimals, percents, and signed numbers. (Classroom, Online, Hybrid)
- Bridges Over Troubled Arithmetic
- A Learning Community combining Arithmetic and College Student Success Skills using the “Bridges Learning System,” a specialized learning center designed to help students develop and strengthen critical thinking and perceptual skills.
- Calculus
- (I) This course is the first in the calculus curriculum and introduces the central concepts of calculus. Topics include limits, continuity, derivatives of algebraic and transcendental functions of one variable, applications of these concepts, and a brief introduction to the integral of a function.
- College Algebra
- (KSU) This course is a functional approach to algebra that incorporates the use of appropriate technology. Emphasis will be placed on the study of functions and their graphs; inequalities; and linear, quadratic, piece-wise defined, rational, polynomial, exponential, and logarithmic functions. Appropriate applications will be included.
- (TCC) This course covers the structure of the complex number system, polynomials, rational expressions, graphing, systems of equations and inequalities, functions, quadratic and rational equations and inequalities.
- College Mathematics I - II
- (I) This course begins a demonstration and examination of various concepts of algebra. It assists in building skills for performing specific mathematical operations and problem solving. These concepts and skills serve as a foundation for subsequent quantitative business coursework. Applications to real-world problems are emphasized throughout the course.
- (II) This course continues the demonstration and examination of various algebra concepts. It assists in building skills for performing more complex mathematical operations and problem solving than in earlier courses. These concepts and skills should serve as a foundation for subsequent quantitative business coursework. Applications to real-world problems are emphasized throughout the course.
- Discrete Math for Information Technology
- Discrete (as opposed to continuous) mathematics is of direct importance to the fields of Computer Science and Information Technology. This branch of mathematics includes studying areas such as set theory, logic, relations, graph theory, and analysis of algorithms. This course is intended to provide students with an understanding of these areas and their use in the field of Information Technology.
- Elementary Statistics
- This course emphasizes techniques and applications rather than derivation. Topics include methods of summarizing data, probability, statistical inference and regression. The course incorporates collaborative learning, oral and written reports, and technology.
- Fundamentals of Mathematics
- (I) This course includes a study of concepts of numbers and fundamental operations with numbers, formulas, equations, percents, and statistics.
- Introduction to Mathematical Modeling
- This course is an introduction to mathematical modeling using graphical, numerical, symbolic, and verbal techniques to describe and explore real-world data and phenomena. Emphasis is on the use of elementary functions to investigate and analyze applied problems and questions, supported by the use of appropriate technology, and on effective communication of quantitative concepts and results.
- Human Factors in Technology
- This course provides an understanding of the effective integration of technology to improve organizational performance. Students will learn how to evaluate strategies for utilizing technology to support personal and organizational growth. Additionally, students will examine the increasing influence of e-commerce on the role of managers in the workforce. Impacts of the effective integration of technology upon customer relationships are also explored.
- PreCalculus
- (KSU) This course is an intensive study of the basic functions needed for the study of calculus. Topics include algebraic, functional, and graphical techniques for solving problems with algebraic, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions and their inverses.
- (TCC) This course presents college algebra; matrices; algebraic, exponential and logarithmic functions; trigonometry; analytic geometry; and sequences and series.
- Mathematics for Teacher Entrance Exam
- This course prepares prospective and current teachers to take the PRAXIS Mathematics Exam.
- Statistics
- This course surveys descriptive and inferential statistics with emphasis on practical applications of statistical analysis. The principles of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data are covered. It examines the role of statistical analysis, statistical terminology, the appropriate use of statistical techniques, and interpretation of statistical findings through applications and functions of statistical methods.
- Statistics for the Life Sciences
- This course examines the concepts of statistics leading to the application of these concepts to the life sciences. Topics include populations and samples, random sampling, probabilities, distributions, and confidence intervals.
Home => Which classes has Prof Sandee taught?
Last updated: October 3, 2015